Come and enjoy our piece of paradise and make it yours...
Kia Ora-Welcome-Gidday.
Unearth the charm of Whangamatā on New Zealand's Coromandel Peninsula. Renowned for its magnificent beach, unique long left surf break and world-famous Beach Hop Rock and Roll festival. Come, discover Whangamatā, and let its coastal magic etch a memorable chapter in your travels.

Enterprise Whangamata, please join us and help us paddle the boat faster
Formed in 2008, Enterprise Whangamata has been finding ways to promote this town and support local business for over 15 years. Over that time, committee people have donated 1000’s of hours - running meetings, organising events, working with many and varied council officials to help make Whangamata what it is today. Together our organisation and this community has created and delivered some remarkable town features. Like the surfboard downtown, artwork on the council fence, security cameras, a world first town emergency battery to keep our CBD up and running and many more initiatives.
We are proud to live in this town and honoured to be intrusted to make it better every day.
Enterprise Whangamata 2023.
Patrick Kerr
Jeremy Mace
Donna Lowrie
Jennie Black
Gavin Holmes.
Since 2008.